
What are the types of AI or artificial intelligence?

2024-08-06 01:15:20

We can say that nowadays AI (Artificial Intelligence) or artificial intelligence. It can be considered an important assistant in working. It helps in finding, collecting, thinking, and analyzing various information. So, how many types of AI are there? And how does it work? We have classified them as follows:

Classification of AI according to processing

  • AI-type Reactive Machines

A common feature of Reactive Machines AI is that it does not have its memory. They are also unable to learn by themselves. You can only react to what is in front of you. But it has the advantage of being able to work quickly. and effective Therefore suitable for data acquisition and display work. For example, Sensors in various formats Both motion detection sensors or sensors of fire detection systems, etc.

  • AI type Limited Memory

This type of AI is AI developed from Reactive Machines type AI. Limited Memory type AI has its memory. Can learn from old data sets But the memory is still small and can store limited data. The advantage of this AI is that it can easily adapt to the environment, such as security systems. or the self-driving system of an electric car, etc.

  • AI-type Theory Of Mind

The Theory Of Mind type of AI is still an AI that is still in the research and development stage. To be able to understand human emotions, feelings, and culture. Including being able to process words into actions If it can be developed successfully It will be used for complex tasks, such as chatbot systems that respond naturally to humans and understand human emotions. or robots that can help humans make decisions in various matters AI-type Self-Awareness

  • AI-type Self-Awareness

This can be considered the goal of AI development to be as close to humans as possible. Able to learn and realize on your own. Have an understanding of various matters and can express opinions as deeply as humans

Classification of AI by skill level

It is an artificial intelligence that has been developed to be able to perform specific tasks extremely well. Therefore, the advantage is that the AI ​​will have a lot of expertise in that field. But there will be no flexibility. unchanged and unable to understand the surrounding context  For example, AI in playing chess, AI in helping translate different languages, or AI in helping such as Siri or Google Assistant, etc.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), also known as “Artificial General Intelligence” has been developed to have abilities comparable to humans, think like humans, and be able to solve various problems instead of humans. Currently, AGI is still in the research and development stage. Which still doesn't have the real one. But it can happen. If various technologies are used and ANI technology comes together

  • Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) 

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI), also known as “Ultimate artificial intelligence” refers to AI that can do things better and more accurately than humans in every aspect. Such as decision-making, thinking, analyzing, and processing things. They may also have emotions and feelings that are no different from humans at all. This may cause major changes to humanity. However, ASI remains only a theory. It cannot happen at this time.

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