
What is Generative AI? How important is it?

2024-08-06 03:24:55

In today's era, AI plays a greater role in our daily lives in every sector. Both in terms of work or even in everyday life Today we will take you to get to know Generative AI and what it is. And how important is it?

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is AI that has been developed to be able to create new content. High quality By imitating data or learning things through data. to create work pieces Whether it's creating images, video, audio, or even various designs. 

How is Generative AI different from Traditional AI?

AI or Traditional AI

AI or Traditional AI is like “Special experts” who do only the work they have been trained for By analyzing data and predicting results based on available data sets, such as AI chess that predicts and analyzes moves based on existing rules, Siri or Alexa that works and answers questions according to programmed commands.

Generative AI

Generative AI differs from ordinary AI which can create new things, using existing data and user input to get generative AI to analyze and process data to create work. For example, Midjourney, which is an AI for image creation, Speechify, an AI to create voice from text, and ChatGPT AI chatbot for answering our questions, and so on.

how important is Generative AI?

Nowadays, AI has been playing a huge role in our work. Generative AI is very useful in our job, such as:

  • Help introduce new ideas and creative content.

We can use Generative AI to help us find ideas for content or work so that we can get more interesting and interesting jobs.

  • Quick completion.

Generative AI can help reduce the runtime by allowing generative AI to form or originate so that you can implement additional edits to reduce runtime.

  • Improve work efficiency and make it more professional.

Generative AI can collect, filter, and process a lot of data, so we can make sure that generative AI is accurate and suitable.

  • Helping our customers get a better experience.

Generative AI can gather customer data and analyze it to match the specific needs of the customer, making it even more satisfying.

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