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Watch Bitcoin Price Hit $64,000 in Over 2 Years

2024-02-29 03:17:35

Bitcoins price surge since February 25th has continued to surge, and on February 29th, it hit $63,000 for the first time since November 2021. Reporting on CNBC website, the price of the main cryptocur

Bitcoin Price Soars to $56,000, Highest Growth in 2 Years

2024-02-27 10:51:44

Last night, the price of Bitcoin increased 3% from the previous week, from a high of 53,000 in December 2021, breaking its highest price in two years

Prosecutors seize former Binance CEO's passport to prevent him from fleeing the country

2024-02-26 01:33:44

It was reported by a crypto news website on February 23rd. Washington County Court United States Prosecutors have changed Zhaos bond conditions and asked the judge to set specific bail conditions to e

Summary of 10 growth trends in the crypto industry in 2023.

2024-01-25 03:33:19

The last year has seen a lot of events in the crypto industry as it expands and grows. But many events can shake many industries. Lets take a look at some of them.

Building Blockchain for Business

2024-01-08 03:54:52

Blockchain is a technology that uses a database system that is linked and shared with chain-like connections into blocks. which records information an

Creation of digital currency

2024-01-03 02:09:43

How to use digital currency or crypto Cryptocurrency is the creation of digital currency that uses cryptographic technology. (cryptography) to maintai

Bitcoin price exceeds $45,000 in 2 years on New Year

2024-01-03 11:07:20

After the Bitcoin trend in 2022, the price skyrocketed to $69,000 and gradually declined later. During this past New Year (2/1/2024), the price of Bit

Dogecoin, a Crypto Industry Joke, has become the #1 meme coin.

2023-12-27 03:45:41

In todays era, there is probably no one who doesnt know Dogecoin, a digital meme coin. That has been a trend in the past 1-2 years, so where did the D

Who is Wai Dai?

2023-12-12 04:45:33

Wai Dai is a Chinese computer engineer who came up with the idea. Cryptocurrencies and cryptography, and members of the Cypherpunk group developed the free Crypto++ library. There are various encrypti

Cypherpunks, a group of crypto pioneers

2023-12-12 04:31:29

“Cypherpunks Write Code” Timothy C. May 1980 It is a sentence that heralds the era of Cryptocurrency From the movement known as cypherpunk which promo

What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) works of art? Selling pictures?

2023-10-09 11:28:37

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets in the form of artwork, music, in-game items, videos, etc. that are traded online, often using Cryptocur

Understanding Smart Contracts for Beginners

2023-10-04 05:50:47

With the advent of blockchain technology (Blockchain), many exchanges have emerged. Make transactions Decentralized finance (DeFi), decentralized appl

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