
Bitcoin price exceeds $45,000 in 2 years on New Year

2024-01-03 11:07:20

After the Bitcoin trend in 2022, the price skyrocketed to $69,000 and gradually declined later. During this past New Year (2/1/2024), the price of Bitcoin rose past $45,000, which is considered good news at the beginning of the year for investors and a trend worth watching.

This increase is expected to be a factor from the Bitcoin Havling that will occur approximately 4 years ago and that the Havling will occur approximately this year. During April This will reduce the reward for mining Bitcoin, resulting in fewer coins being sent to the market, causing the price to adjust according to each havling, which has already reduced the reward 3 times, and other factors. Any other

In addition to Havling, there is also news that the US Securities and Exchange Commission will approve Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), in addition to allowing investors to purchase products that track the price of Bitcoin without directly holding the currency. It can also help attract large institutional investors while also legalizing the coin.

However, This rally is considered good news in the Bitcoin and investor circles. The price prediction from Mark Mobius is still $60,000, and other forecasters are saying $75,000 or $80,000, with many believing it to be $100,000. These are just predictions.

Therefore, this adjustment in the price of Bitcoin is considered to be an exciting adjustment to watch. It may be the start of the Bitcoin market at the beginning of this year in an uptrend before the next Havling in the future, which is something worth watching to see what direction it will grow in the future. go

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