
11 interesting technology trends in 2023

2023-09-05 09:25:29

11 interesting technology trends in 2023

1. Immortality service

Humans have sought immortality for a long time. And it's back to being a trend again this year.

2.Competition in the application market

The arena of competition in the application market is fierce in various platforms to capture the social media market share.

3. FinTech renaissance

FimTech market recovery after tough market period As a result, FinTech startups begin to adapt to the market to support other businesses in the future.

4. Robots in the house

With the arrival of the smart home trend, many companies have developed robotic technology that can work within the house by performing cleaning tasks safely.

5. Virtual Power Plant

As the demand for energy increases and the price of renewable energy increases. As a result, alternative energy systems have been created to reduce production costs in various businesses.

6. Substitute materials

Current technology has been developed in the field of creating materials to replace plastic and foam from natural materials such as Mushrooms and seaweed

7. Digital scent

At present, the scent cannot be transmitted as digital data. But as technology advances, digitization of scents will have a profound impact on future food, retail, healthcare and other sectors.

8.FamTech, technology for menopause

While the technology that takes care of women's health has grown exponentially. But there are many startups that are not focused on menopausal women's health care.

9. Agricultural technology reform

A start-up that introduces revolutionary agricultural technologies focused on balancing the soil. The functioning of the ecosystem within the farm and carbon management

10. Advancement of technology from India

India has seen more startups and venture capitalists in hopes of growing in the startup market.

11. Health monitoring

Tracking and health care technology through technology plays an increasingly important role in human health care nowadays.

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