
Keep an eye on AI-generated pornography that may cause harm to people around the world.

2024-01-29 03:20:46

Last week, an AI-generated photo of Taylor Swift surfaced on the internet, demonstrating the ability of AI to create damaging and fake images. and causing considerable reputational damage. AI technology that can create new images may have more impact in the future.

In addition to creating pornographic images of famous people, Ordinary people like us may also become victims of the use of artificial intelligence technology, like in the case of Taylor Swift, where malicious users published pornographic images created using AI technology. Posted on social media It was viewed tens of millions of times before being removed from the social platform. But this picture still has people recording and sharing it in other social media areas.

This case can indicate the damage that will occur in the future if this technology is not clearly and decisively managed and controlled. There was also an incident where President Joe's voice was falsified. Biden a few weeks ago as well. which tends to be more Cracking down on this remains difficult. Currently, nine US states have laws against the creation or sharing of deepfake photos. Synthetic images are created to imitate one's likeness without consent. But none at the federal level. Many experts are calling for changes to Section 230 of the Act. Communications Decency Act, which protects online platforms from liability for user-generated content.

In conclusion, it is still a matter of concern that AI technology can cause damage in the world of social media. There are also other cases where the introduction of AI is causing trouble until a law is drafted that can control both the development process and the use of this technology in the most beneficial way.

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