In an era where technology plays a greater role in our daily lives. Finding work online is another channel that is very popular. Because it allows us to work from anywhere at any time. without having to travel to work at the office There is also a wide variety of jobs to choose from. We will introd
-Online job search website
-JobThai is the largest online job search website in Thailand. There are many types of jobs to choose from, including full-time, part-time, and freelance jobs. There are also features to make your job search easier, such as searching by job type, location, and salary level.
-JobStreet is another popular online job search website in Thailand. Similar to JobThai, there are a wide variety of jobs to choose from. Some features make it easier for you to create a resume and apply for jobs.
-LinkedIn is an online social networking website for working professionals. In addition to being a way to network, LinkedIn also has an online job search feature that helps you find jobs that match your skills and experience.
-Indeed is a global online job search website that offers a wide range of jobs from around the world. There are also features to make your job search easier, such as searching by job type, location, and salary level.
-JobsDB is a website for finding more than 10,000 jobs with a variety of job formats to choose from. And there are articles related to various jobs to read on the website as well.
-Fastwork is an online job search website that is a center for freelance work. which has a variety of categories There is an identity verification system for treatment that should be safe to ensure that there is no cheating.
-Online job search application
-JobThai App is an online job search application from the JobThai website that helps you search for jobs more easily from anywhere, anytime. Some features make it easier for you to create a resume and apply for jobs.
-JobStreet App is an online job search application from the JobStreet website that helps you search for jobs more easily from anywhere, anytime. Some features make it easier for you to create a resume and apply for jobs.
-LinkedIn App is a social networking application for working professionals. In addition to being a way to network, LinkedIn also has an online job search feature that helps you find jobs that match your skills and experience.
-Indeed App is a global online job search application with many types of jobs from around the world. There are also features to make your job search easier, such as searching by job type, location, and salary level.
-Fastwork is a freelance job search application from the website of the same name, which is safe and free from cheating. and there are many employers the app can act as a medium for contact between the hired worker and the employer.
These are all online job search applications and websites and we have collected just a few of them. There are many more websites and applications where you can find jobs. But before applying for a job, there must be an examination. In this modern era, finding a job is easier. But finding a job that suits you is the most important thing.