
Kipper AI makes doing homework no longer difficult.

2024-06-17 04:16:51

Large-scale AI models with a CORE database designed for education Can be used directly through the website. The highlight of Kipper AI is writing that is mainly related to learning. Kipper AI has said that their AI can create writing that the AI ​​checker can do whether It's GPT Zero, Turnitin,, or Classifier.

What functions does Kipper AI have?

1. Create an essay.

Prompt Essay Generator that creates 100% unique essays (based on website information) using advanced algorithms to pass plagiarism checkers like Turnitin. too

2. Check writing from AI

In addition to being able to create writing works, There is also a function to check writing from AI, which can indicate what percentage of writing is from AI. You can then edit the text to make it less AI-like as well.

3. Teaching lessons using chatbots

It can help teach lessons by uploading PDF files, YouTube videos, etc., and the AI ​​engine will process them and create lessons.

4. Essay enhancement tools

It is an additional tool that can enhance the quality of an essay or report. By uploading files to the website and using an improved essay rendering tool.

5. Summary of contents

Content can be summarized and converted into easily understandable summarized text whether it is a web page, YouTube video, or document.

Price for using the service

Use of the tool costs a monthly fee of USD 29.99 or 0.99 with access to all Kipper AI services.

Overall, Kipper AI can answer the needs of using AI for education with over 1 million students from famous universities. However, in Thailand, it still supports the Thai language. You may have to wait for an update so you can use it. The next work will be whether in Thailand it can be used or not.

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