2023-11-02 10:18:18
Introducing a website that offers stock images with no usage restrictions. Whether for printing, advertising, or publishing. without cost or give credit to the creator
Recommended websites include:
-Unsplash: A site with high-quality stock images from professional and amateur photographers. There are many categories to choose from, such as nature, food, technology, and more.
-Pixabay: A website with free stock photos, videos, and sound effects for download. There are a variety of visual types, such as animation, graphics, and vintage.
-Pexels: A website with free, high-quality stock photos and videos. Images and videos are categorized according to popular trends such as Christmas, New Year, and COVID-19.
-StockSnap: A website with many high-quality stock images available for free. New content is updated every day. and has a user-friendly display of search results
-Burst: A website that is part of Shopify that offers high-quality stock images for free. It focuses on small businesses and entrepreneurs, such as online selling, SEO, and branding.
The advantage of using copyright-free images is that there is no cost. or give credit to the creator But there are also cautions. To prevent copyright infringement as follows:
-Check the terms of use of each website. Are there any restrictions, such as not allowing the use of images for commercial purposes? or not to edit the image
-Choose images that are appropriate for use, such as not using images that are obscene, obscene, or defamatory.
-Be careful not to let the picture be used to cause distress to the person in the picture or others, taking into account the rights and freedoms of the photographer and the photographed.
-If you are not sure whether the image you will use is copyrighted or not. You should consult a copyright expert. Or use a copyright search tool like Google Images or TinEye to check.
Using images from distribution websites without copyright on your website may have an impact on SEO depending on many factors such as:
-Image quality: If the picture is clear It's the right size. and related to the content of the website It will help users feel more interested and satisfied. And search engines evaluate a website as being of high quality. But what if the image is of low quality, inappropriate, or not relevant? This will make users feel disappointed and leave the website. Loss of time spent on the website (bounce rate) has an impact on SEO.
-Using alt text: alt text is text that describes the image. To help users who are unable to view images, such as those with vision problems. or those who use devices that do not support image display Understand the content of the image. Additionally, alt text helps search engines understand what the image is about. and rank according to relevant search terms
-Frequency and similarity of images: Free use of copyright-free images. This may cause problems with similar or duplicate images on many websites because general users can download and use them easily. Search engines may not like to display websites with unique images. Not different from others and has no value To prevent problems with similar images We should use specific images. or edit the image to have a clear appearance Different from other websites
In summary, use images from distribution websites without copyright on your website. It does not have a direct impact on SEO but depends on how we use and optimize images to suit our website. If you want to find copyright-free images. You can check out the list of websites that give out free images.
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