
Capgemini and Orange launch Bleu cloud solution for the competitive French market

2024-01-25 04:04:05

Capgemini and Orange have announced that Bleu, a cloud company launched in partnership with Microsoft, is commercially engaging with 'Selected French public and private sector organizations are expected to be in service by the end of 2024, which are described as "Fully operational" launched to meet the unique cloud needs of high-end enterprises. Including the French state Regional agencies and hospitals and much more.

This offer is unique to the French market. And related to 'cloud de confiance' or 'trusted cloud' this is the label given by ANSSI, the French cyber security agency. which guarantees the highest level of protection. 'Specifically to US extraterritorial law' as the 2022 Euractiv (France) article states, a unique feature is SecNumCloud, a 'security visa' from ANSSI which is intended to be an administrative guide. Critical Operators (OVI) as well as all European and French economic operators to trusted carriers

This increased scrutiny has led to stiff competition from French cloud provider Thales. Best known for cybersecurity but with a strong interest in the cloud, it signed a strategic partnership with Google Cloud in 2021. The first result of that work is S3NS, a new company. Launching in 2022 to offer the 'first step' towards a reliable cloud system, OVHcloud is cited as the leading web hosting provider in Europe. Several offerings have qualified under SecNumCloud, while Dassault Systemes announced Outscale claiming it was the first cloud provider to receive an ANSSI security visa for SecNumCloud 3.2 on its public cloud services in December.

Aiman ​​Ezzat, CEO of Capgemini Group, added that he was "proud" of the work done by all parties to realize the proposal that would "Take full advantage of Microsoft's cloud services"

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