In the digital age, managing finances no longer needs to be complicated. Financial applications help you control income and expenses, plan finances, and invest effectively. Here are the standout applications in 2025.
Featured feature:
- Plan your investments with expert advice.
- Track your investment portfolio in real-time.
- Financial market analysis
Suitable for:
- New investors and those seeking investment advice
- Make investing easy with complete information.
Featured feature:
- Record and track credit card usage
- Analyze spending behavior
- Credit card payment due date reminder
Suitable for:
- Those who have multiple credit cards and want to manage their debt.
- Helps reduce the chances of incurring late payment fees.
Featured feature:
- Prepaid card for overseas spending
- Competitive exchange rate
- Supports multiple currencies
Suitable for:
- Travelers who want to control their expenses while abroad
- No hidden fees and easy to use.
Money Manager
Featured feature:
- Record and track income and expenses
- Create a budget and analyze finances.
- Cash and bank account management system
Suitable for:
- Those who want to start managing their personal finances
- Easy to use and has customizable features.
Settrade Streaming
Featured feature:
- Buying and selling stocks and derivatives in the Thai stock market
- Analyze stocks in real-time
- Market movement alert
Suitable for:
- Investors in the Thai stock market
- An app that is popular and trusted among investors
These applications will make managing your finances easier, from recording income and expenses to planning investments, to tracking the financial market. Choose the app that suits your needs to enhance your financial stability in 2025