
Web Performance Tools: Website Performance Testing Tools

2024-10-18 03:20:01

Website performance testing is crucial for developing and improving user experience (User Experience), especially when a website needs to load quickly and function well on multiple devices. Using Web Performance Tools helps you effectively analyze the speed and performance issues of the website. This is a popular tool for testing and improving website performance

Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is an open-source tool that helps analyze website performance in various aspects, such as loading speed, SEO compatibility, and website security. You can use Lighthouse through Google Chrome DevTools or download it as a browser extension.


  • Website performance testing (Performance)
  • Check mobile usage (Mobile Usability)
  • Analyze SEO improvements
  • Check accessibility readiness (Accessibility)

How to use:

  • Open the website in Chrome.
  • Right-click and select "Inspect" or press Ctrl + Shift + I to open DevTools.
  • Go to the "Lighthouse" tab and select the desired test (e.g., Desktop or Mobile).
  • Click "Generate Report"


  • Analyze multiple aspects in a single report.
  • There are suggestions for improvement.
  • Free and easy to use through the browser

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool designed to measure the loading speed of websites and provide recommendations for performance improvement for both Desktop and Mobile devices. This tool uses data from Lighthouse for analysis.


  • Rate the website's performance (from 0-100).
  • Analyze the display on mobile and desktop
  • Provide improvement suggestions to increase speed.

How to use:

  • Go to the PageSpeed Insights website.
  • Enter the URL of the website you want to test.
  • Click "Analyze" and receive the analysis results.


  • Easy to use, just enter the URL.
  • Provide clear performance ratings and recommendations.
  • Free and fast


GTmetrix is a tool that helps analyze website loading speed in detail, providing information about various components such as file sizes being loaded, and the use of JavaScript and CSS. Additionally, GTmetrix also scores the Performance and Structure of the website.


  • Analyze the components of web page loading (e.g., CSS files, JavaScript)
  • Rate the Performance and Structure.
  • Display the loading time and size of the webpage.
  • There is a Waterfall Chart feature that shows the details of loading each component.

How to use:

  • Go to the GTmetrix website.
  • Enter the URL of the website you want to test.
  • Click "Test your site" and receive the report.


  • Provide insights into webpage loading.
  • There is a Waterfall Chart to monitor the loading of each section.
  • You can compare the performance before and after the improvement.


Pingdom is a tool focused on website speed analysis. Through testing, Pingdom measures the performance of a website from various locations around the world. You can view details such as loading times and the sizes of different files that are loaded.


  • Measure the loading speed of the website from multiple locations.
  • Display the loading time of each element on the webpage.
  • Performance rating and improvement recommendations

How to use:

  • Go to the Pingdom Tools website.
  • Enter the URL of the website you want to test.
  • Select the location for the test (e.g., New York, Tokyo)
  • Click "Start Test" and receive the report.


  • You can choose the location of the test server.
  • Show the loading details of each component in a Time Chart format.
  • Rate the performance of the website.


WebPageTest is a free tool that can test the performance of a website from different locations and browsers. It also allows you to choose to run multiple tests to see changes in page load times.


  • You can select the location and browser used for testing.
  • Measure the loading speed of the webpage
  • Show the Time Chart for loading each component.
  • Analyze First Byte Time (the time it takes for the server to respond for the first time)

How to use:

  • Go to the WebPageTest website.
  • Enter the URL of the website you want to test.
  • Select the location and browser
  • Click "Start Test" and receive the report.


  • Test multiple times and choose the browser you want to test.
  • There is in-depth information for analyzing each step of the loading process.
  • Free and with advanced features

Choosing Web Performance Tools should be based on your needs. For example, if you need a tool that is simple and quick for basic performance checks, Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix might be good options. However, if you require in-depth analysis and control over the testing process, WebPageTest or Lighthouse CI might be more suitable.

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